Bold and the Beautiful

(Update) Bold & Beautiful Exclusive: First Ivy, Next [Spoiler]? Scott Clifton Teases a Comeback That Would *Really* ‘Stir Up Some Trouble’

Bold & Beautiful Exclusive: First Ivy, Next [Spoiler]? Scott Clifton Teases a Comeback That Would *Really* ‘Stir Up Some Trouble’

clifton question


Having been in daytime for more than two decades now, Scott Clifton knows very well the kind of character whose return really makes an impact. So he is as intrigued as we are by the possibility of former castmate Adrienne Frantz reprising her Bold & Beautiful role of bad idea factory Amber. “I would love for her to come back on the show and stir up some trouble,” he says. “We’ve got Sheila doing that, but — and this is not a pejorative contrast to Sheila at all — with Amber, it’s like you almost want to see what she’s gonna do next.”

Agreed. Frantz’s wildcard character was capable of a lotta things, but running around shooting her enemies willy-nilly was never one of ’em. “Selfishly, with respect to Liam,” the Emmy winner says, pondering the possibilities, “I mean, God, what could she do to him now?” You’ll recall that the last time around, she tried to convince him that he was the father of her baby when, in fact, Donna’s son Marcus should’ve been passing out cigars.

Adrienne Frantz, Scott Clifton "The Bold and the Beautiful" Set CBS Television City Los Angeles 05/23/11 ©sean smith/ 310-657-9661 Episode # 6093 U.S.Airdate 06/20/11 view

Off screen, Clifton is an even bigger fan of Frantz’s than Amber’s. “Our kids go to school together,” he says, “So I see her every day at pick-up and drop-off, and we always shoot the breeze.

“She is completely the opposite of Amber,” he adds. “She literally once — and I’m not misusing the word literally — tried to take the shirt off her back to give it to my son because it was cold. So I adore her as a human being” as well as admire her as an actor.

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