Young and the Restless

Sally Struggles With a Painful Time In Her Past — and Lily Makes a Shocking Declaration

At Society, Billy talks up Abbott-Chancellor and gives Sally a sneak peek at the new logo. She thinks he’s found his place in the world. Billy goes on about how much it means to him and says he works with someone he respects, “The sky’s the limit.” They toast, and discuss Chelsea and Adam heading back with Connor tomorrow morning. Sally says Adam was quiet and tense when they spoke. Billy says Chelsea was the same. “What do you think that’s about?” Sally guesses they’re upset about the conversation they tried to have before they left. Billy smirks, “I piled it on.” Sally knows he had the best intentions. Billy just wanted to help Chelsea. Sally asks why he’s so sure there’s more to the story. Billy says it’s a feeling. He hasn’t been able to stop thinking about Chelsea saying she wanted to put the fear and guilt behind her.
Billy Sally Y&R

Lily walks into the Club and spots Nate, who guesses she’s busy getting Abbott-Chancellor in shape. He asks if Billy is still taking a victory lap. He wonders how they’re getting along. Lily asks if he really cares. Nate says he cares about her and Devon and let’s her know she shattered her brother’s dreams. He hopes it’s worth it. Lily asks if Devon said something to him. She knows him better than Nate does, “And we’re good.” Nate argues she chose Billy over her own family. Lily says she chose Chancellor, a company she’s poured her heart and soul into. Devon respects that, and she hopes Nate would understand that. Nate finds it ironic that she wanted the merger to bring the family together, but now she’s fine with blowing it up.
Nate Lily Y&R

Victor and Nikki walk in and approach Nate and Lily. Victor assumes Devon gave Lily his “ Victor says he’s only planning a dinner with his wife, his warning was merely because Billy has a history of running things into the ground. Nikki tells Lily they’d hate to see her get hurt because of Billy’s actions. Lily can take care of herself and the company and if his warning is a prelude to something else, she hopes he reconsiders. Victor’s sorry she misinterpreted his warning and he and Nikki walk off. Nate snarks about Billy being a wildcard only out for himself. Lily informs him that it’s insulting to imply that she is weak and has bad judgement. “I cannot wait to prove you all wrong.” She walks out as Victor watches from across the room.
Nate Lily Y&R

Faith and Lucy dance at their concert and Lucy loses her balance. Faith looks dismayed and pulls her outside. She smells her and asks who gave her alcohol and how much she’s had. Lucy says she brought it with her. Faith wants details or she’ll tell her dad. Lucy says she got it from her mom’s place. She wanted to be cool like her and thought it would make her relax. Faith fumes, “Let’s go.” Lucy doesn’t want to go but Faith drags her off, protesting.
Lucy Faith Y&R

At Sharon’s place, she’s startled by the appearance of Cameron, who needles her about being jumpy and playing hard to get. He’s there because she wants him to be there. Sharon asks why she’d want that. He says, “You need me.” Sharon scoffs at this and tells him to go away. Cameron’s not going anywhere until she figures this out. She’s the only person who knows what it will take to make him go. He knows she’s afraid, and he doesn’t blame her, they have a lot of history. Sharon hisses, “All bad.” Cameron suggests she dig in and roll around in her past and face up to what she’s running from. “Maybe then, you’ll find the itch you need to me scratch.” She thinks he’s there because she went off her meds. Cameron urges her to go back on them then. He muses that she won’t because she’s finally free to go deep and put things to rest. She asks, “What things? What haven’t I put to rest?”
Sharon Cameron Y&R

At Society, Sally tells Billy that maybe Chelsea doesn’t want to burden him. Billy doesn’t think that explanation flies. She’s never had a reason to keep anything from him… until now. Sally mutters that they all keep secrets, sometimes with the best of intentions. Billy asks if she needs to talk about something. Sally suggests they go on a walk instead of talking there.
Billy Sally Y&R

In the car on the way home from the concert, Lucy doesn’t want Faith to tell her parents. “Can we pretend this never happened?!”

In Sharon’s living room, Cameron reiterates that all the answers are in her head. “But, I’m not the only one swimming around in here, am I? Say her name.” Sharon gasps, “Cassie.” Cameron says, “Cassie Ann Newman. Your beautiful daughter. A daughter that you lost way too soon.” Sharon cries, “That’s what this is… I lost Cassie and I almost lost Faith because of you.” It’s all jumbled together. Cameron says she saved Faith, but she couldn’t save Cassie. “You live with that every single day. But is that really living?”
Cameron Sharon Y&R

Cameron tells Sharon she lost the daughter she couldn’t protect and then everything else was ripped out from underneath her. She’s never really gotten back on track. Sharon argues that life changes. Cameron rants that she thought she and Nick were destiny. “You don’t deserve what he did to you.” Sharon tears up. Cameron says it all went to hell after Cassie died. It broke her heart. Sharon thinks this is just trauma she hasn’t dealt with. Cameron reminds her Nick is very much alive, and the whopper of a kiss in her head… “Come on, Sharbear, you wanted it.” Sharon doesn’t want him there. Cameron says he’s not the problem, “But I just might be part of the solution.” Maybe she thinks she can only heal from Nick’s love, “But maybe you need something else. Something only I can give you.”
Cameron Sharon Y&R

Just then, Faith and Lucy walk in. Sharon is surprised and knows the concert can’t be over already. “What happened?!” Faith says Lucy started to feel sick and wanted to come back here so her dad could pick her up. Sharon worries and Lucy says it’s probably just something she ate. Sharon’s sorry the concert was ruined. Faith stares daggers at Lucy, who says she’s sorry she ruined her night. Faith says keeping her safe is more important.
Sharon Faith Lucy Y&R

In the park, Billy tells Sally, “It’s a beautiful night.” She agrees and takes a deep breath. “A year ago, I, we… we lost Ava.” Billy says, “Yeah, of course. I’m really sorry.” Sally would have given anything if it was her who died so Ava could have lived an amazing life. “But Adam chose me.” Billy says it’s because he loves her. Sally admits she still talks to her every day. Billy assures her this isn’t weird. Sally cries that she was so small and fought so hard, “But it wasn’t enough.” She never even got to take her first breath. Billy says his heart breaks for her, “And Adam.” Sally says Adam hasn’t even mentioned it. She’s not even sure he remembers. Sally doesn’t blame him when there’s so much going on with Connor. Billy says nothing guts you in this world like losing a child. He can imagine Adams supressing the feelings so he can support Connor. Sally says that’s why she hasn’t mentioned it. “But Adam is the only person in the world who knows what it was like to lose our little girl.” She hoped today they could have gone through it together.
Billy Sally Y&R

Billy tells Sally he knows what she’s going through. He’s still there and will always be there. “You never stop missing your babies.” Sally learns Delia was seven when he lost her. “All giggles and magic.” He cries thinking of her saying she’d always be his little girl. “She’s always going to be a part of me, just like Ava will always be a part of you.” Sally notices how he smiles when he talks about her. Billy says that’s the way she’d want it. Billy thinks Ava would be proud of Sally, and for what it’s worth, he thinks Adam didn’t forget about Ava, he’s just trying to be there for Connor. Sally agrees; he’s going all in on saving his son. Billy admits he’s a good dad. Sally wishes Ava had gotten to know that. Billy’s really sorry she had to mourn in silence today on her own. Sally sighs, “Not completely on my own.” She pulls a pink baby hat out of her purse and cries that she would have been the brightest, sweetest, little girl. Billy agrees. “She’s your daughter. How could she not?” He hugs Sally.
Billy Sally Y&R

At the Club, Victor sidles up to Nate and wants to chat. He saw Lily leave upset and asks if everything is alright. He encourages Nate to urge Lily to leave Chancellor as soon as possible. Nate says she’s determined to prove them all wrong about Billy and Chancellor. Victor says she’ll fail and walks off.

Lily walks into Crimson Lights, where Daniel, at a table, says, “I can see you, you know.” He tells her Lucy’s at a concert and he’s staying caffeinated to pick her up later. He makes conversation about her and Billy working together. She says, “I can manage.” Daniel asks if Omegasphere is up for grabs. Lily says Devon took it to Winters and wishes him luck. Daniel wonders if they’ll ever get to the point where they can be civil with each other.
Lily Daniel Y&R

Lily thinks they’re being civil. Daniel gets a text that Lucy’s ready to be picked up earlier than expected. He tells Lily he admires her giving Billy another chance, and he hopes they knock it out of the park, “But I would hate to see you get hurt.” She scoffs, “Really?!” Daniel replies, “Yes, really. Just be careful.”
Lily Daniel Y&R

Billy arrives at Crimson Lights, where Lily tells him she ran into Victor earlier. “He’s definitely coming after us.”

At the Club, Victor tells Nikki he spoke to Nate about Lily. He’s keen to put her at the top of the company where she belongs. Nikki wants an end to the business talk for the evening. Victor smiles, “I promise.”

At Sharon’s place, she lets Daniel in. He asks what happened. Lucy says she felt sick. Faith says it was quicker to bring her back there. Lucy wants to go home. Daniel is sorry for all of this and thanks Faith for looking out for his little girl. Lucy tells Faith she’s sorry and she’ll make it up to her. Faith snaps, “Don’t worry about it. Just take care of yourself.” Daniel and Lucy leave. Sharon muses, “Poor thing.” Faith tells her mother, “It’s not what you think.”
Faith Lucy Y&R

Faith tells Sharon that Lucy was drinking. Sharon asks who gave her alcohol. Faith says she snuck her own into the concert. Sharon tells her daughter she did the right thing by getting her out of there. Faith says Lucy told her she wanted to be cool, but she is so not impressed. Sharon thinks Daniel and Heather need to know the truth. They need to look out for their daughter. Cameron appears and says, “The way you couldn’t look out for Cassie.”
Cameron Faith Sharon Y&R











At home in the apartment, Sally sits alone in the dark and cries as she flashes to being in the hospital after Ava died. She looks at the pink hat and sobs, holding it to her chest.
Sally cry Y&R

At Crimson Lights, Lucy tells her dad that she was just hungry. Daniel peppers her with questions about the concert. Lucy blurts that she drank. “I snuck some vodka and Faith found out.”
Lucy Daniel Y&R


On the patio, Billy tells Lily that if Victor wants to come after the company, then let him. Lily says Victor’s not the problem, Billy is. “I made a mistake.” He asks if she’s bailing on him. Lily says, “I’m not leaving Chancellor, Billy. You are.”

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