Days of Our Lives

RUMOR EJ’s New Woman After Nicole Left Days of our lives spoilers

**Breaking News: EJ DiMera’s Potential New Romance Shakes Up ‘Days of Our Lives’**

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In the ever-twisting saga of *Days of Our Lives*, fans are abuzz with speculation about EJ DiMera’s next love interest following Nicole’s dramatic exit. As the dust settles, whispers suggest that EJ might soon find solace in the arms of another Salem resident, stirring excitement and curiosity among viewers.

EJ DiMera, a character sculpted by his tumultuous relationships with iconic figures like Sammy Brady and Belle, stands at a crossroads once again. His past loves have left indelible marks, contributing to his complexity and depth. Now, with Nicole’s departure, the question looms: who will capture EJ’s heart next?

Tamara Braun - IMDb

Enter Ava Vitali, a character currently reeling from her own heartbreak after Harris left Salem. The prospect of EJ and Ava, two individuals with fiery pasts and unresolved conflicts, finding comfort in each other is tantalizing. Could their shared experiences of loss and longing pave the way for a passionate new romance?

The video delves into this possibility, exploring the stormy seas of love and loneliness that EJ might navigate. With Ava’s vulnerability and EJ’s quest for connection, fans are eagerly watching to see if sparks will fly between these two formidable characters.

Stay tuned as *Days of Our Lives* continues to weave its intricate web of romance and drama, leaving us all wondering what the future holds for EJ DiMera and Ava Vitali.

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