Young and the Restless

Nikki Puts Her Plan Into Action — and Lily Makes a Shocking Decision

In the tackhouse, Nikki and Victoria finish their hug. Nikki pleads with Victoria to give her Claire’s phone number. She promises t tell Victor once she’s made contact with Jordan. Victoria’s unconvinced that her mother should use herself as bait. Nikki fumes that they don’t have time to debate. She tells Victoria it’s all up to her. “Will you do what needs to be done?”
Cole Victoria Nikki Y&R

Victoria asks Cole what he thinks. Nikki sighs that maybe Cole can convince her. “I’ll step out to get some air.” Once alone, Victoria tells Cole she’ll never forgive herself is this plan goes awry. Cole says it’s just a phone call and Nikki’s plan takes the guesswork out. It takes them right to his aunt and is the only thing that might lure her out of hiding. Victoria knows he might be right, but Jordan is a wildcard — there’s no telling what she might do if provoked. Cole says they’ll be ready. He’s sure Claire is trying to protect Harrison. Nikki’s plan could help them get closer to bringing Claire and Harrison back home. Victoria wonders how he makes her feel like everything is going to be OK.

Outside, Nikki puts her booze back in her pocket and goes inside, where Victoria gives her Claire’s number. Nikki dials and gets voicemail. She says, “Hey there, Jordan, it’s me. I know that you kidnapped Claire and Harrison” She’s not sure what the plan was, but she knows that what she really wants is to punish her. “So, let’s do it. Once and for all.” Nikki recaps what happened at the lake house and mocks her for thinking her sister would have ended up with Victor if not for her. She says if Jordan lets Claire and Harrison go, she’ll take their place. Victor will pay any amount of money to get his wife back. “I will be in the alley of Euclid and 7th in an hour. Let’s end this one way or another.”
Nikki phone Y&R

At the ranch, Jack asks Dave the delivery truck driver what he knows. Victor muses, “Or we could just dispense with you.” Dave wants assurances. Kyle informs him he’s in no place to bargain. Dave whimpers, “I’m just supposed to trust you?” Victor growls, “You’re dealing with guys who are men of their word.”
Dave delivery truck driver Jack Y&R

Dave protests, “I’m not going to jail! I didn’t do anything!” Kyle fumes, “My child is missing.” Dave says he already told the police everything he knows. Victor asks if that’s really how he wants to play it. Jack tells the driver they just want to bring the child home safely. Kyle tells Dave about his young son. “How can you hear me say this and stay silent?!”

At Chancellor-Winters, Devon asks Lily to break the tie on Nate joining the board. She says, “Nate joining the board was not on the agenda today, and suddenly I’m the deciding vote?” Devon apologizes for springing it on her. Lily thinks they should discuss it first. Jill tells Lily the vote is in process, and they need to proceed. “Don’t keep us in suspense. Although, this isn’t exactly a nail biter. The lines are pretty clearly drawn.” Nate assures Lily he’s just glad to be contributing either way. Lily’s glad he feels that way because she’s going to have to vote no. Jill’s eyebrows go up in surprise on the video screen.
Abby Devon Lily Nate Y&R

Billy declares the ‘nays’ have it. “Sorry, Nate.” Jill says she wasn’t expecting this, and Nate asks why. Lily says his work has been great, she just doesn’t feel he’s earned his place back on the board. They can revisit it in the future. Jill agrees. Nate looks forward to proving himself and files out. Lily wants to proceed with the actual agenda. Devon asks to speak to her for a moment. Lily says it will have to wait. They’re behind now and should be discussing Daniel’s lawsuit.
Abby Devon Lily Nate Billy Y&R

Jill knows the Romalotti lawsuit is very personal for Lily, and she’d like her to speak to that. Lily stands by her decision to terminate Daniel and Heather, which is best for company productivity. Jill wouldn’t hold it against her for wanting payback, but there are legal implications, and her decision has to be professional rather than emotional. Lily hopes she’s not implying that she put the company’s welfare at stake because her feelings were hurt. The attorneys said the contract was ironclad and they own all the rights related to Omegasphere. Billy says it’s not a guaranteed win. The legal team has already warned that Heather is trying to exploit a loophole. Lily retorts that she can try, but they’ll lose. Billy warns they have to consider the optics as well, if Daniel and Heather keep pushing the wrongful termination narrative. It’s not a good look for the company and is the last thing they need right now. Jill suggests offering Daniel a payout. Abby doesn’t think that will fly. It isn’t about the money for him — Princess Luisa was named after his daughter. Jill shrugs that they should let him have the games he wants and walk away. Lily argues he created the games, but they funded the entire project. They would have to start over from scratch. It would be a bad business decision.
Jill Y&R

Jill asks if Lily is prepared for her life to be splashed across the tabloids. Lily thinks it’s Daniel and Heather that should be embarrassed. Billy asks Devon, who stays mum. They know how he feels about this. Jill announces they’ll put it to a vote. She votes against going to court. “And Lily I totally understand your point of view and respect it.” She feels the company will suffer less if they let Daniel take his toys and go home. Billy agrees and votes against following through. Lily says they know where she stands — they should fight. Abby votes with Lily. Billy chuckles because now Devon’s the tie-breaker. Devon wonders if this amuses Billy. Billy says he’s just trying to keep up. Devon declares that he’s voting with Abby and his sister to fight the lawsuit. Jill shakes her head. Lily says, “Good, then it’s settled.” She’s sure it’s the best decision for the company and walks out to go to a meeting. Jill asks Devon to stay.
Devon Abby Lily Y&R

In the hall, Billy thanks Lily for not asking the board to boot him. Lily complains that the meeting got hi-jacked. Billy says, “Maybe I can change your mind.” She wonders if he followed her to try and talk her out of fighting the lawsuit. Billy just wants to say the way she voted against adding Nate to the board. It makes him think she listened when he spoke to her earlier about who she can trust and who she can’t. He hopes that means she’s ready to join him in taking over Chancellor-Winters. Lily doesn’t agree with what Devon did today, but she won’t betray her family, and it doesn’t seem like Jill is ready to hand over her crown. Billy thinks Lily is ready to take what she wants. Lily clarifies that voting against Nate wasn’t some signal to him that she’s ready to follow his dreams of the two of them ruling Chancellor-Winters. Billy asks how she can say no to turning this place into a powerhouse. Lily isn’t convinced that’s the direction she wants take this company. Billy muses, “You’re not convinced, which means you could be convinced.” He won’t give up.

At the ranch, Victor barks at Dave, “Look at me!” He warns him to cooperate. Dave says he had no idea what the woman was planning. He was at a bar and she sat down next to him. Out of nowhere, she started talking about his gambling debts. He has no idea how she found out. She offered him $10,000 for the use of his truck for a few hours and promised it would never come back on him — she’d make it look like it was stolen. Jack asks about the payoff.

In the tackhouse, Victoria and Cole tell Nikki standing up to Jordan took a lot of courage. Nikki blames herself for the situation and says, “I will make it right.” She claims she’s going up to the main house to tell Victor what’s going on and refuses a ride from Cole. Victoria hugs her mother and Cole thanks her for helping them bring their daughter back. Once Nikki exits, Victoria worries, “She’s so fragile. She still blames herself for letting Jordan live.”
Cole Victoria Nikki Y&R

Outside, Nikki screws the cap back on her bottle and starts walking.

At the ranch, Victor threatens to tell Jordan that Dave ratted her out. Dave says she told him to meet her at a diner on fourth street. She was dressed in sweats and a ball cap. The men file into the hallway. Victor tells Kyle to keep an eye on the driver as he tells them that Jordan would want to meet the driver near wherever she’s keeping Harrison and Claire. Kyle worries Claire might be in on it. Victor’s sure she’s doing what she can to keep the boy safe. He gets on the phone to have someone search the area around the diner, and then disconnects. Dave hollers, “I told you everything I know. Are we good?” Jack tells him he served his purpose and will be compensated. Victor suggests he take his money and get the hell out of town. Dave likes Genoa City. Kyle says the woman he dealt with doesn’t like loose ends. The last fellow ended up under the wheels of a car. Victor intones, “Dead like roadkill. You better pray we get to her first.”
Dave Y&R

At Chancellor-Winters, Jill wants Devon to tell her how Lily is really doing with the break-up. Sadly it’s not the first time she’s had to deal with a cheating jerk. Devon doesn’t think that she’s acting unreasonable. She thinks they can win in court and they should trust her. Abby also thinks she has the company’s best interests at heart. Jill asks them to hug Dom for her and signs off. Abby tells Devon he can drop the act now. “Lily really threw you for a curve, didn’t she?”

At Crimson Lights, Lily meets Mamie, who asks how the board meeting went. Lily says it was full of surprises and asks if she knew Devon wanted to vote Nate back onto the board. Mamie says no, but that’s wonderful. “Nate would certainly have the votes.” Lily says the motion didn’t pass. Mamie asks who ruined it. Lily says she voted against Nate. Mamie asks, “Lily! Why would you do that?!” Lily says Nate has broken their trust in a big way and hasn’t earned his seat back on the board yet. Mamie doesn’t understand how she can do this to her family. She says Jill is stacking the deck against them and they have to reinforce things before she makes her move. Lily tells Mamie that this rhetoric and division has to stop. “It’s enough.” Mamie knows that after Daniel the last thing she needs is a war at work. She wonders if the personal issues are what’s distracting her from what’s really important at work. Lily gawps, “You did not just say that.”
Lily Mamie Y&R

At the tackhouse, Victoria spills tea and Cole leads her to the sofa. “Have a seat.” She says Claire compared her to Athena. Far from throwing thunderbolts, she can’t even pour tea. Cole thinks she still has a few thunderbolts in her. He fetches the tea and tells her that the idea of losing Claire all over again is overwhelming. It makes total sense that she’s struggling, but Claire is going to come home to them. If she needs help to be reminded, he’s not going anywhere.

At the ranch, Victor tells Jack and Kyle that the team arrived at the diner to search the area. Kyle plans to go to the place where the truck was abandoned to see if anyone saw anything. Jack wonders how they’ll handle Jordan if she starts making demands. Victor’s not sure Jordan has shown her full hand yet. Jack frowns, “What makes you so sure?” Victor says, “Because she loves theatrics. This time will pull down the damn curtain once and for all.”
Kyle Victor Jack Y&R

Back on the phone, Victor barks, “Don’t give me all that nonsense! Keep me updated, is that clear?!” He disconnects angrily and tells Jack and Kyle they need to stay in communication. “We’re going to get this woman.” Just then, Nikki appears. She’s surprised to see Jack there and tells Kyle she’s sure Harrison will be home soon. Kyle thanks her and leaves. Victor asks how Cole and Victoria are holding up. Nikki says they’re scared and all they can do is pray. She excuses herself and Victor asks where she’s going. She says they’ll talk about it later. In the hallway, she takes a deep breath.

At Chancellor-Winters, Devon admits to Abby that he was taken aback by Lily voting against him. Abby points out he sprung it on her. Devon thinks it’s something else. Abby says there are some loyalty issues with Nate. Devon argues that Lily was the first one who tried to get him to forgive Nate and welcome him back. He’s having a bit of a problem believing it’s a loyalty issue. He thinks she and Billy have something going on… just by the looks they were giving each other and the vibe between them. He wonders if Billy is working her to try and convince her that the issues at the company are due to him and Nate. He plays the victim card a lot and Lily buys into it because she has a soft spot for him.
Abby Devon Y&R

At Crimson Lights, Lily tells Mamie she can and does run the company separate from her personal issues. Mamie assures her she’s done a good job running a company as fractured as Chancellor-Winters has become. Lily frowns, “Yeah, and who has contributed to that?” Mamie asks if she’s given any further thought to buying the company. Lily chuckles, “You mean the idea you pitched while I was out of town?” Mamie says it’s the best solution. Lily says it was her idea to merge the companies in the first place, so dividing them would completely go against my vision. Mamie says there’s nothing wrong with changing her vision. Lily asks, “Excuse me?!” Mamie says they have a chance to build something as a family and Jill, Billy, and even Chance can get in the way of what should be theirs. Lily is not going to split the company down the middle. Mamie says she’d better start paying attention before it’s too late. “Starting with Billy. You can’t trust that one and the sooner you realize it, the better.” Lily’s eyes flash. “You know, maybe I shouldn’t trust you!”
Lily Mamie Y&R


In an alley, Nikki paces and looks around. She grits, “Come and get me, Jordan. This is what we’ve both been waiting for.”


Next on The Young and the Restless: Nikki attempts to make a deal with Jordan, Kyle makes a shocking discovery, and a new side of Ashley emerges.

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