Days of Our Lives

Monopoly || Alex’s Mother is Not Dead: Shocking Return and Becomes Theresa’s New Ally – Days of Our Lives Spoilers

Alex’s Mother is Not Dead: Shocking Return and Becomes Theresa’s New Ally – Days of Our Lives Spoilers

In an astonishing twist that promises to shake the very foundations of Salem, the much-anticipated return of Alex Kiriakis’s mother, Angelica Deveraux, is set to unfold in upcoming episodes of Days of Our Lives. Fans are on the edge of their seats as the intricate web of lies, deception, and family dynamics becomes even more entangled. Here’s a deep dive into how this unexpected storyline could unravel.

Alex Kiriakis’s Complex Family History

Alex Kiriakis’s backstory is a labyrinthine saga of affairs, deception, and mistaken paternity. Born from an affair between Justin Kiriakis and Angelica Deveraux, Alex’s paternity was initially shrouded in confusion. For a time, he was believed to be the son of Harper Deveraux until it was discovered that Harper was infertile. Victor Kiriakis then attempted to secure Alex’s position as his heir by arranging a marriage with Angelica. However, Angelica married Neil Curtis, who intended to adopt Alex, only for Angelica to later reveal the truth to Justin, confirming Alex as his son.

Recently, Teresa Donovan further muddied the waters by forging a letter that claimed Alex was Victor’s son, thereby positioning him to inherit a substantial fortune. This deceit has only deepened the already complex Kiriakis family dynamics.

Angelica Deveraux’s Shocking Return

Despite being presumed dead, the possibility of Angelica Deveraux making a dramatic return to Salem has fans buzzing. Set to be portrayed once again by Judith Chapman, Angelica’s reappearance is slated for the 25th of this month. Her return is expected to send shockwaves throughout Salem, as her motives—driven by greed and ambition—could lead to a formidable alliance with Teresa.

The Alliance of Angelica and Teresa

Angelica’s alliance with Teresa could spell trouble for many in Salem. Both women are notorious for their cunning and willingness to go to great lengths to achieve their goals. Together, they could conspire to maintain the ruse that Alex is Victor’s son, thereby securing the Kiriakis fortune for themselves. This partnership would not only deepen the web of deception but also amplify the stakes for all involved.

Impact on Alex Kiriakis

For Alex, the revelation of his supposed paternity was already a tumultuous experience. The reappearance of his mother, especially with questionable intentions, is set to plunge him into further turmoil. The manipulative and ambitious nature of Angelica, combined with Teresa’s deceit, will undoubtedly place Alex in a precarious position as he navigates these new familial revelations.

Judith Chapman’s Return

The return of Judith Chapman as Angelica Deveraux adds an exciting layer to this storyline. Chapman’s portrayal of Angelica has always been riveting, and her return promises to bring a fresh wave of drama and intrigue to the series. Fans can expect a captivating performance that will enhance the unfolding narrative.

Anticipated Storyline

In the unpredictable world of Days of Our Lives, the return of Angelica Deveraux is poised to be a game-changer. Her alliance with Teresa is likely to trigger a cascade of dramatic events, potentially shaking the Kiriakis family to its core. As we await Judith Chapman’s return, the stage is set for a storyline brimming with suspense, betrayal, and unexpected alliances.

Will this explosive storyline come to fruition? Only time will tell. For those eager to stay updated on all things Days of Our Lives, be sure to subscribe to our channel for the latest spoilers and news. The drama in Salem is far from over, and the return of Angelica Deveraux is just the beginning.

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