Young and the Restless

Lucy on The Young & The Restless — Everything You Need To Know

Y&R Lucy

Lucy Romalotti hasn’t been on The Young & The Restless for too long so it’s totally understandable if some viewers might need a refresher on the young woman and her history in Genoa City. Well, we’re here to help! The character first appeared when Lucy was born back in 2011, and was played first by a series of triplets and then a pair of twins as a baby until her exit in 2013. In February 2023, Lucy returned to Genoa City all grown up and played by young actress Lily Brooks O’Briant, who has continued to play the character on a recurring basis to this day.

Lucy is the daughter of Daniel Romalotti and Daisy Carter. Unfortunately, she was the product of rape as the unstable Daisy drugged Daniel to sleep with him before skipping town. Months later, she returned to Genoa City on Halloween to reveal her pregnancy and wound up arrested for her crimes.

Daniel wanted nothing to do with either Daisy or the baby, but when Daisy was released into the custody of his mother, Phyllis Summers, he reconsidered and had Daisy move in with him. As Daisy’s half-brother, Kevin Fisher offered to raise the baby as his own, and Daisy offered him and Jana Hawkes the child in exchange for Jana not testifying against her in court. When Daisy went into labor on New Year’s Eve, Jana was driving her to the hospital but saw Kevin kissing Chloe Mitchell and let Daisy go.

Y&R Victoria Lucy Billy

Daniel found Daisy on the side of the road in labor and helped deliver his baby girl. But Daisy knocked him out and took off with the infant. She dropped her off at the Church of the Sacred Heart before fleeing to Canada. The baby was later sold on the black market to Billy Abbott, and he and Victoria named her Lucy.

When Phyllis found out Victoria and Billy were raising Daniel’s daughter, she wanted Lucy to be with her real family. But Daniel was concerned because he feared Daisy would find out and come back for her. The issue was then made moot as the adoption was exposed as illegal and Lucy was taken away from everyone until Daniel proved his paternity with a DNA test.

Y&R Daniel Daisy Lucy

Daniel relinquished his parental rights and allowed Billy and Victoria to legally adopt Lucy. Upset, Phyllis lured Daisy back to Genoa City so she could regain her parental rights. Fearing for Lucy’s safety, Daniel eloped with Daisy, but she later went missing and wound up in a mental hospital. By this time, Daniel had rekindled things with Heather Stevens, and the trio moved to Georgia in 2013 to live as a family.

In 2023, Daniel returned to Genoa City saying that he had blown things with Heather and Lucy and wanted to get his life back together. Of course, Phyllis couldn’t leave well enough alone and went to Portugal to speak with Heather, which brought her and Lucy back to town! Like most teens, Lucy was distant with her father, and when he pressed, she finally opened up about how much his behavior had hurt her and her mother. Daniel noticed a blue bracelet she was wearing and she admitted that because it was his favorite color it reminded her of the father who loved her. Daniel promised he was in a better place and Lucy gave him the bracelet to remind him to stay there.

Lucy came back to Genoa City again in April to attend Phyllis’ memorial service and support her dad in his grief. However, he later revealed that he’d learned that his mother had faked her own death after falling into a dark place. Lucy promised to stand by her dad, though she worried about what this was doing to his own mental state.

Y&R Lucy Daniel Danny

Lucy visited her father once more in August at Heather’s urging to check in and see how he was doing given Phyllis was about to face the judge for faking her death and killing Jeremy Stark in self-defense. Daniel insisted that he was fine, but Lucy was wary so she and Heather remained in town for the summer.

In October, Heather announced that she and Lucy would be moving back to Genoa City permanently. Lucy was excited to have her own room in Daniel’s apartment and even more so when she noticed how her parents were getting closer around Christmas time with Lily Winters out of town. As 2024 began, Lucy tried playing matchmaker and was thrilled when her parents decided to reunite. Of course, that made things a little awkward when Lily returned to town and found Daniel sharing a family breakfast with Lucy and Heather!

That summer, Lucy became friendly with Faith Newman and went a little overboard buying her new gal pal a bracelet. After Sharon Newman told Lucy about her daughter, Cassie Newman, and how she’d died, she left out Daniel’s role in the incident. So later, when Heather mentioned that it had taken Daniel a long time to get over what happened to Cassie, Lucy didn’t understand. She continued trying to spend time with Faith, who was clearly not as into their friendship as Lucy was.

Stay tuned to Y&R to see what happens next!

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