Days of Our Lives

Kristian Alfonso Shares Photos of Son’s Birthday Celebration After Illness Incident

Kristian Alfonso Shares Photos of Son’s Birthday Celebration After Illness Incident

Kristian Alfonso, Jack Daggenhurst son hope days jpi

Days of Our Lives‘ Hope may have spent a few years MIA in her kids’ lives (which Ciara took her to task about in back in Beyond Salem), but Kristian Alfonso couldn’t love her boys more!

There’s her eldest with her first husband, Gino, her eldest with hubby Danny Daggenhurst, Spartan, and, least, but certainly not least, the baby of the family, Jack! Of course, by “baby” we mean man, because today, Jack’s celebrating his 22nd birthday. And as Alfonso’s been kind enough to share his growing up from adorable kid to confident young man, we thought it would be a great way to celebrate his birthday with a look back at his life in pics!

Here Comes the Son

With just her second post ever on Instagram, Alfonso shared a breathtaking photo from a Grecian morning, then-11-year-old Jack greeted his mother and the day. “Good morning, world,” she wrote, “may it be beautiful for all.”

History Buff

The family made a “historical stop” at Paul Revere’s house during a Boston trip. “Loved the tour,” Alfonso shared, then the proud mama explained that “Jack wants to be a historian. Loves it all!”

A family trip to Newport, Rhode Island led to plenty of love and laughter as Alfonso’s dad “sharing a joke that Jack’s telling him. Nothing’s better than family.” Now that’s something we can all get behind.

Birthday Boy

Grandpa was right by Jack’s side again as he celebrated his 12th birthday with mom and dad. And we’re sure Alfonso’s “sweet boy” felt all the love from his family!

Snow Problem

From a summer birthday to a winter ski trip, it looks like Jack’s 12th years was downright incredible. And it didn’t hurt that the slopes were full of “gorgeous weather” and “amazing everything!”

Food for Thought

Alfonso and Daggenhurst were understandably a “very happy mother and father” when they managed to get all their boys, Gino, Spartan and, of course, Jack all under the same room for a family dinner. Actually, judging by those grins, it made the entire family happy!

A Mother’s Pride

As Alfonso celebrated Mother’s Day, she shared a pic with one the most adorable demonstrations of brotherly love that we’ve seen. “Hoping you had a day filled with lots of love and laughter,” she wished for all the moms out there.

The Teen Scene

For his 13th birthday, mom shared the perfectly spliced-together photo of Jack, his brothers and his parents as they wished him a happy birthday — with a special kiss from Alfonso! “We love you soooooo,” she exclaimed.

Giving Thanks

Thanks to some of the best teachers out there — mom and Salem pals Thaao Penghlis (Tony), Stephen Nichols (Steve) Jen Lilley (ex-Theresa), Deidre Hall (Marlena) and Jordi Vilasuso (ex-Dario) — Jack learned just how good it felt to give back at the Los Angeles Mission Thanksgiving dinner!

My Three Sons

Move over, Fred MacMurray, because we’re pretty sure Alfonso’s got a new hit on her hands! Though light on the details, Alfonso’s hashtags said it all with Gino, Spartan and, of course, Jack: “#Blessed, #MyLove, #MyLife.”

You’re Not You When You’re Hungry

The look on Alfonso’s face was priceless when Jack returned from his workout break with a little sugary snack. “When you work out with your son at the gym,” the comically exasperated mom shared. “[Jack says,] ‘Mom, I’ll be right back I need to take a break,’ and returns with a Snickers bar? Lol, really?”

Life’s Little Moments

Alfonso helped folks get over the hump day as she shared some snapshots of her life with the whole family. From pizzerias and shopping to stylish photo booths, Jack (and his brothers) clearly lead a charmed life!

Beach Bums

Jack joined mom and dad for “a beautiful weekend spent at the beach with family,” and it looks like he probably spent a decent amount of it in the water! Can’t say we blame him.

Hop to It

The whole family was a vision in shades of blue when Alfonso wished everyone a “Happy Easter.”

Feeling Blue

OK, we may be detecting a family color theme here… Alfonso was a vision in white as the men in her life surrounded her in an ocean of blue, with Jack looking extra stylish in a jacket, just like his dad!

17 Again

By the time he hit 17, Jack wasn’t just celebrating his birthday with mom and dad, but with some of his best friends as well. Even better, they were out in London for the occasion! Well, almost. They did celebrate that year “a little early.”

Masked Up

Well, we’re clearly in 2020 here! At least Jack didn’t have to navigate the pandemic alone, as he had mom and dad on-hand for support. And even in the depths of the pandemic, Alfonso had an uplifting message for folks, writing, “Kindness goes a long way! It’s free and feels good.”

The Graduate

The pandemic wasn’t slowing this grad down one bit as 2020 was also the year that Jack graduated from high school! “We are all so incredibly of you and your achievements,” Alfonso wrote to her youngest from the whole family!

Birthday Girl

This time it was Alfonso’s turn to celebrate with Jack right by her side for her birthday! OK, that cheesecake and ice cream is just making us hungry…

The End Is the Beginning

“When a mother doesn’t feel she could possibly love her sons any more than she does,” Alfonso shared with a post flashing all the way back to a very young Jack with his brothers. “My heart is full. I’m so proud to be your mom. Thank you, boys. Gino, Spartan, and Jack through the years.”

Family Dinner

Alfonso may have been missing her two eldest boys, but at least she and hubby Daggenhurst got to enjoy a night out with Jack — complete with dessert, of course!

The Gang’s All Here

Now that’s more like it! The whole family was together again for the next photo in July 0f 2023, which is why mom captioned it simply with, “My heart,” and, “Love you sooooo!”


And just this past May, then-21-year-old Jack attended his second graduation: This time, from college! “Mom and dad, your brothers, Gino and Spartan, Uncle Harry ,and your godfather couldn’t be more proud of you today. Our hearts are bursting will joy!”

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