Young and the Restless

Jack’s Stunned By Diane’s Threat — and Summer Stumbles Upon Claire With Harrison In the Park

Today on The Young and the Restless Jordan tries to cut a deal with Victor, Victoria angles for a job for Claire, and Diane threatens to walk out on Jack.

At the GCAC, Phyllis thinks Summer seems tired and rundown. She insists she’s OK. Phyllis asks about Harrison. Summer says he’s actually doing pretty well. She’s keeping an eye on him. She’s still on edge. Phyllis says she would be too. Summer explains they’re keeping Harrison out of school one more day and Kyle’s spending time with him. She just wants to go back to normal. Phyllis says it will take time. Summer complains that her son keeps asking about Claire. Phyllis says that from what she heard, Claire was a victim too. Summer warns her mother not to side against her on this. Phyllis balks. She just heard Claire wasn’t to blame. Summer says that in her mind, Claire will never be innocent. “Never.”

Summer can’t understand why Kyle has so much sympathy for Claire. She is, in her own way, responsible for what happened. She was Jordan’s front woman. Phyllis points out Jordan was the psycho and would have found her way there with or without Claire. Summer argues Claire was a willing accomplice who poisoned almost the entire Newman family. “What does that say about her level of psychosis?” How are they supposed to know that she can’t get there again?

At Chancellor Park, Victoria tells Claire that Katherine was an icon and her godmother. Claire wants to know all about her… and everything she’s missed over the years. Victoria assures her they have all the time in the world. Claire confesses she’s been thinking of getting a job of her own now that Jordan’s dead. She thinks her mother should get back to work too. Victoria tells Claire that she’s her number one priority. They will also spend time with the kids when they get home from school, and they can even get a hold of Reed and include him in the adventure. She wants to get to know the daughter she never got to know. Claire thinks she must miss work. Victoria always looked up to her father, and loved the idea of running Newman, but these past few months have given her perspective. She has a different purpose now and needs no office drama. “I think that maybe you’re trying to push me out of the next because you’re actually ready to fly yourself.”

At the Abbott mansion, Kyle calls out for Harrison as Diane comes down the stairs. She’s glad to hear him sounding happy. He guesses she’s still upset about his dad being gone all night the other night. He’s put together that the friend he was helping was Nikki, which is why Victor came over there all upset. Diane assures him she doesn’t think Jack cheated on her with Nikki, but what he did was bad… maybe even worse.

Once Kyle is in the loop on Jack falling off the wagon, Diane says she’s not just upset, she’s furious. “It’s outrageous.” She can’t stop thinking about what could have happened. Kyle guesses he can see where she’s coming from… to an extent. Diane rants, “To an extent?!” His father risked everything and he thought of nothing and no one but Nikki. Kyle figures his dad saw no other way to deal with it. Diane hollers that he mixed pills with booze. He could have died and it was incredibly selfish. Kyle doesn’t think it was selfish. Diane yells that he has a family who loves and needs him. How would he have felt if he’d died in some Athletic Club suite. “What he did was selfish!”

Kyle can see how what Jack did came from the right place. Diane scoffs at this. Kyle recaps how they just went through hell because of Jordan. If he’d seen her going into that hotel, there is nothing that could have stopped him from charging in there. Diane argues that it’s different. Harrison was in dangerous, “Nikki was drunk. And not for the first time, I might add.” She wasn’t in immediate danger and Jack over-reacted. Kyle is just saying he understands his motivation to act quickly. Diane fumes that they could be planning his father’s funeral right now just because he had to save Nikki Newman. Kyle senses jealousy and asks, “Don’t you know how much Dad loves you?” Diane flips at the idea she’s jealous of Nikki. Kyle says it’s his father’s perception of the moment that matters. Diane hollers that Nikki has her own family to come to her rescue. Kyle asks if she’d have Jack turn his back on her. Diane says turning his back and risking his life are two different things. Kyle points out they’re all safe and his father is unlikely to take pills again. Can’t they just appreciate the moment? Diane wonders if she’s supposed to just forget about this… because an addict promises he’ll never take pills again? Or does Kyle just enjoy taking the contrary position to hers. “It’s like you won’t even try to see things from my perspective!”

Victor walks into Society and spots Jack at a table. He ignores him and walks to the bar. Jack approaches him and wants to know how Nikki’s doing. Victor tells him it’s none of his damn business. Jack says he’s her sponsor, of course it’s his business. They bicker over what went on in the Club suite. Victor complains that she had to call the paramedics to save his ass and now he’s making it out like he saved her. Jack’s conscience is clear. Victor wonders if his ego’s so big he can’t admit he made a huge mistake?!

Jack thinks this is about Victor’s giant ego being shattered because he didn’t know how far gone Nikki was. Had he not stepped in, she’d be drinking herself to death right now. The most important thing is that she found the help she needs. Victor points at him, “You put her life in jeopardy.” He warns Jack not to ever put Nikki in harm’s way again or he’ll wish he’d died in that damn hotel room!

In the park, Claire tells Victoria she doesn’t want to see her holding herself back for her sake. Victoria’s focused on getting to know her and making sure she feels safe and loved. She and Cole want her to feel ready to fly. Claire feels strong and optimistic. Victoria will be there to cheer her on. Claire wants to cheer her on too. “I really want to see you get back to the normal life that you used to lead.” Victoria insists she’s never felt better than she does right now.

At the Abbott house, Diane rants that Kyle second guesses everything she does at the office and to undermine her at every turn. It’s bad enough that he does it at Jabot and now he’s bringing it home. Kyle says she’s being unfair. He tries to see her viewpoint, but doesn’t always agree with it. He denies trying to undermine her at the office as Jack walks in. He senses he walked in on an argument and is willing to bet it’s about him. Diane asks Kyle to give her and Jack some privacy. Kyle says he and Harrison were going to the park anyway. He tells his dad he understands his desperate measures and walks out. Jack fumes, “You told him what happened with Nikki.” Diane fumes back, “You may need to keep Nikki’s secrets, but don’t expect me to keep yours when you almost kill yourself.”

In her cell, Jordan is passed out in the dark with the vodka bottle still at hand. Victor comes in, turns on the light, sits, and grins. He sees she followed his suggestion. How many more bottles does he need to bring her before she dies, and the world is rid of her. “You’re poison. Nothing but poison.”

At the Club, Phyllis understands why Summer has concerns about Claire. Nikki, Victor, and the others have accepted her, she may want to consider that. Summer says this is about concern for her son. She’s afraid Kyle is going to let Claire into his life. Just the other day, she stopped in to check on Harrison and now she wants to see him more often. Kyle was willing to let her do that until she put her foot down. Phyllis muses, “You put your foot down about Claire seeing Harrison.” Summer says the thought of her being near him makes her sick.

In the park, Cole shows up with drinks for Victoria and Claire, who complains he’s also put his career on hold for her. Cole teases, “You’re not trying to get rid of me, are you?” Victoria and Cole needle her for trying to ditch them. They’re all about her right now and want to be available. They recall how terrified they were when she was missing and tell her she’ll have to grin and bear them hovering over her right now. Just then, Harrison appears and launches himself into Claire’s arms. Kyle, behind him, smiles.

At the Club, Phyllis tells Summer she understands how she feels. She knows how it feels not to want someone dangerous around your kid, but she should take some time. “Don’t you think you’re being a tad over-protective?” Summer finds this rich coming from the most over-protective mom on the planet. Phyllis is that, but she also knows what it’s like to want a second chance. Summer says if she was willing to kill five people and watch them die, that’s news to her. “I’m allowed to feel this way!” Phyllis says of course, but people she loves and trusts have forgiven her. Summer insists she could still be dangerous. Phyllis says the Newmans aren’t pushovers. Victor having her at the ranch says something. She urges her to talk to Claire. Summer isn’t going to take a chance, not when it comes to her son. Kyle is willing to let Claire be Harrison’s new nanny. “In what world does that make any sense?” Phyllis agrees that’s taking it too far. Summer says that over her dead body will she ever let that happen.

In the park, Harrison asks Claire if she wants to go see the ducks. Kyle says they have peas and oats to feed them. “You two go ahead, I’ll watch.” Claire and Harrison take off as Kyle chortles, “Stay close now!” Victoria loves how Harrison has taken to Claire. She tells Kyle she knows the kidnapping left a lasting impression on Summer. Kyle says she’s worried that Claire will remind him of his trauma, but he hasn’t seen any sign of it. Cole explains that they share a bond because of what they went through together. Victoria pushes Kyle to try Claire out as his new nanny.
Claire Harrison Kyle Victoria Y&R

In the ranch basement, Victor plays chess while Jordan walks over to the bars. He talks to her about chess, and she tells him to shut up and let her out of there. “I can’t take this anymore.” Victor needles her about walking right into his trap. She throws her boot at his chess set and upends it. Victor smiles.

In the park, Kyle tells Victoria and Cole he thinks Claire would be a good fit as Harrison’s nanny, but Summer is going to need more time. She was traumatized, as they all were, and it’s been hard for her to get past her belief that Claire wasn’t a part of it. Victoria argues she knows for a fact that she wasn’t. Kyle says Summer needs to be completely comfortable enough. Cole is just happy Claire and Harrison are two pals feeding ducks. Things will happen when they’re supposed to. He has to take off and tells Kyle he couldn’t be more happy that his son is safe. Victoria tells Kyle if there is anything she can do to put Summer’s mind at ease where Claire’s concerned… “We’re family and I would hope that we could all get along.” Kyle says Summer will have to get past this on her own, and he can’t guarantee she will.
Kyle Y&R

Just then, Phyllis and Summer walk up. Phyllis muses that Summer said Kyle was spending time with Harrison. Summer says they were supposed to be feeding the ducks. She glowers with anger when she sees Claire and Harrison walk up to Kyle together.

At the Abbott mansion, Jack tells Diane he doesn’t know what else to say except he’s sorry and nothing like this will ever happen again. Diane doesn’t think he grasps the severity of what’s happened. She agreed for him to be his ex-wife’s sponsor and has bitten her tongue every time he’s run out of there because Nikki called, but he risked everything they have, everything they value. “You would just throw it all away like that? Why?!” Jack insists he had things under control. Diane snaps, “Until you didn’t.” She tells him this has made her question everything… it was a betrayal of their love and trust. “I don’t know how I’m going to get past this. I need some time on my own. Time away from you so I can sort through this.” Jack protests that it’s over and nothing like this will ever happen again. Diane questions if he can really promise that. She worries that staying and being angry will trigger him back to the pills, and taking space might too. She’s hurt and confused and doesn’t know what to do!


In the ranch basement, Victor warns Jordan it’s not a good idea to taunt her jailor. She sneers at him, “Shut up!” Victor muses, “Want some more booze?” He wonders if he should administer it to her thorugh an IV. She knows he’s satisfying his God complex by keeping her there and invites him to go ahead and gloat. Jordan points out he could have killed her by now but he hasn’t. “Why not? Do you think there’s a chance I might still escape?” Victor asks if she thinks she can. She pleads, “Just let me out of here and just put me in an actual prison. Come on, dammit! What do I have to do?!” Victor intones, “I have an idea.”


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