Days of our Lives’ Robert Scott Wilson’s Christmas Memories And Fitness Goal

Days of our Lives’ Robert Scott Wilson’s Christmas Memories And Fitness Goal
Robert Scott Wilson has plans to enjoy his holidays while also keeping his fitness in mind.
It’s that magical time of year again, and Days of Our Lives leading man, Robert Scott Wilson, chatted with Soap Hub to recount his favorite Christmas memories, holiday traditions, his New Year’s Eve plans, and fitness goal in 2025. You can also check out what the actor spilled about Alex’s future and pick up one of his watches for the guy in your life.
Traditions And Fun
Bryan: Do you have any Christmas traditions that you keep going?
Robert: I have to get back to see my mom, no matter what and wherever I am. But the traditions have changed a lot over the years. But I always make it a point to get back to Boston and see my friends and my people over there. It also makes it feel like Christmas, because even though you can find nooks and crannies of L.A. that are decorated or have a little spirit, it is still not the same as being in Boston for Christmas. The family has dwindled down, people have moved and life has changed, but I have really vivid, great memories of Christmas back home as a little kid, which I usually spent with my mother’s side of the family. They are all Italian and you know, between the food – the Feast of the Seven Fishes on Christmas Eve – the whole night was just really special for everybody.
Bryan: Is there a specific gift you wanted one Christmas that you received that still stands out today?
Robert: When I was a little kid I always wanted that Power Wheels Army Jeep. I think that was my favorite Christmas when I was a little kid.
Robert: I’m not sure what I am going to do yet. We may stay on the East Coast and try to do something in Boston, or maybe come back beforehand. Last year we spent it in New York, so we may end up back there. Last year, we ended up staying in New York for seven or eight days, which was longer than expected. We didn’t do the whole Times Square thing…we bounced around to a couple of spots.
Bryan: I know you are a big time gym guy. Any new fitness goals you are trying to reach in 2025?
Robert: To get my butt there. I want to always push myself and get a little bit better, a little bit more chiseled. I think my goal is just to be healthier, mentally and physically. That has always keeps me in check a bit.
Bryan: Do you follow any sort of food plan?
Robert: I try to eat decently clean. I am not gluttonous, but I have things that I really like and I don’t stay away from them. Life is too short. I am not on a crazy diet or anything like that. I do train hard most days. Working out and training has always been more mental for me anyway. It is my therapy in a way. Some days it doesn’t really feel like, but it is part of my routine.
Bryan: Has there ever been a time where you thought about offering your own fitness program or speak on the benefits of going to the gym?
Robert: There was a time it crossed my mind, but it was not really my passion. I certainly have a decent amount of experience and know-how. If people ask, I will give them my two cents. My girlfriend Casey Martin is a trainer and has been in the fitness space for many years, so she holds that down.