Days of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives’ Stephen Nichols Makes His Breaking Point Crystal Clear: ‘I’d Quit’

Some things are just meant to go together. Fall and pumpkin spice, hamburgers and fries, Santa Claus and the North Pole and, in Days of Our Lives’ case, Kayla and Steve! No matter how many times they’re pulled apart, the couple always finds their way back to each other. And as far as the fans are concerned, the duo is endgame. It doesn’t get any better than them and nothing will ever pull them apart for good.

Sure, sometimes little things like death, brainwashing and brain chips do tear them away from each other for a time, but there’s never any doubt that the couple finds their way back to each other. Nor is there any doubt that they always will.

That’s something that Stephen Nichols agrees with wholeheartedly. “Absolutely,” they’re endgame, he told in a recent interview with Mary Beth Evans. “If they ever broke us up, I’d quit. I’d walk.”

Sitting at the foot of their bed, Kayla leans into Steve. His arm wraps around her.

“There’s no way,” Nichols continued. “I’m telling you the truth. This is what it is. It’s just got to stay.”

Evans, though, couldn’t help but tweak his nose a bit, musing, “Although I did have a little fun with Wally [Kurth, Justin] a couple years ago… It’s so funny because Wally was like, ‘Oh, this is never going to be good. Nobody’s ever going to buy me in this stuff.”

“Yay, it’s true,” Steve’s portrayer admitted. “I had no idea what was going on. I had a chip in my brain!”

stefano proposes days of our lives

Yes, they’re talking about the infamous “Stevano” saga, when Stefano’s brain and “essence” were implanted into Steve and he set about trying to marry Marlena. But again, that separation was just temporary because Steve and Kayla are forever.

At this point, we feel pretty confident that no one is going to break them up — but let’s hope that no matter how many writing and producing regime changes happen, “Stayla” will never die. We don’t want to lose them, nor Stephen Nichols ever again.

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