Days of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives Preview: Johnny Learns an Ugly Truth — and Is EJ About to Do the Unthinkable?

Days of Our Lives Preview: Johnny Learns an Ugly Truth — and Is EJ About to Do the Unthinkable?

JOhnny learns the truth Days

Secrets are being kept, and long-held ones are coming to light this week on Days of Our Lives. Many of these secrets also add up to one big event that seems right around the corner!


The mystery of the two Rafes continues, as Jada, Gabi and Shawn have proof Arnold had been masquerading as Rafe. Now, suddenly, they have the real Rafe in custody and no Arnold. Shawn opens up to JJ that he and Jada slept together, and JJ wonders if Jada will tell Rafe?

Just as Brady tried to calm Tate down upon hearing the news that his Grandpa John was missing, his mother, Theresa, appeared! Tate’s baby troubles are about to be compounded when Theresa learns she’s going to be a grandma!

On the other baby front, as Joy gets her test results, Stephanie blabs to Alex that his former co-star could be carrying his child!

Finally, still fuming over the possibility that his father EJ may have had a hand in replacing Rafe with Arnold, Johnny fumes to Roman about the situation. Arnold was the man who raped his mother! Roman can’t keep his feelings about EJ to himself, sparking Johnny to defend his father as not being as bad as Arnold the rapist. That’s when Roman reveals his father is a rapist too, and Kate has to inform him that his father raped his mother!

As Johnny goes to confront his father, EJ brandishes a syringe behind his back. EJ wouldn’t dare use the memory-wiping serum on his own son, would he? Everything is coming to a head, and as teased in a preview of what is to come this year, it looks like it won’t be long before someone tries to kill EJ!


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