Days of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives’ Konstantin Is a Dead Man Walking — Plus, Can We Trust Clyde?

The End of Konstantin

OK, let’s just jump right into the one thing I thought I’d want to avoid like the plague this week: Konstantin! Ever since the handover last Friday, I’ve been thinking, “Wow this show is a nice change of pace.” And then Konstantin showed up and everything I’d been hating all came flooding back.

Sitting casually on the Kiriakis couch, Konstantin smirks while raising a brandy snifter

And that embezzlement set up made even less sense when Konstantin bumped the wedding up. It takes time to steal money. Konstantin wouldn’t just clear out the account she gave him in a few hours, then show up to the wedding with a smile on his face. And why would he even need to marry her if he got all that money?!

That’s what I was thinking, but then at the wedding Justin got the alert that the trust account had been cleaned out. It would be stupid for Konstantin to move that fast, and I got the distinct impression Maggie and co. were the ones who swiped it. Which… was that always the plan? Eh, whatever, because I actually enjoyed the wedding and seeing Konstantin bluster and blow in his humiliation.

In wedding attire, Maggie Xander Brady and Justin glower at Konstantin in the Kiriakis living room

Plus, I laughed out loud at Theresa’s “What the eff is going on?” look on her face as Konstantin tried activating The Pawn and Bonnie’s utter confusion as they unwound Konstantin’s lies. Oh, and Alex’s cheerful grin as Maggie told Konstantin he’s going to prison actually made me not hate him.

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