Days of Our Lives

Days in Our Lives Summary: Hattie refuses to die

Days of Our Lives Recap: Hattie Refuses to Die

Days of Our Lives Recap for October 8, 2024

Horton Square: Hattie verbally attacks Leo for penning her Body & Soul demise. Leo says he didn’t write her off as it wasn’t his call. The producers call the shot. That being said, he’s in mourning over not being able to write for her character. Further, he wanted to give her a heads up, but Abe and Kate told him to keep it to himself.

Hattie thinks Leo was an accomplice to her scripted death. Leo tries to explain how it all came about but Hattie continues to blame him for her untimely, fictional demise. Leo tries to pick up Hattie’s and hopes they can still be friends. Hattie says she no longer wants anything to do with him. With that, she exits.

Body & Soul HQ: Bonnie arrives and energetically thanks Kate and Abe for saving her scripted life. She goes on and on about how grateful she is her character is still going strong. Now that Hattie’s character, Charlemagne, is kicking the bucket, Bonnie wonders if all her “stuff” (clothes, sets, fictional husband) are up for grabs for her character, Cassandra. Kate finally stops her manic rant saying she’s not getting any of Hattie nor Charlemagne’s “stuff.” She reminds Bonnie that Hattie was fired because she didn’t respect the notion that B&S is an ensemble cast. If she keeps it up, Cassandra could meet her original fate. Bonnie quickly apologizes for her over-exuberance and Abe and Kate remind her there are no stars and she must move forward with humility. With that, Bonnie quickly makes her way out the door.

Leo arrives and Kate tells him they don’t have the budget for some of his long term stories. A dejected Leo says it’s all good and goes into what a wretched creature he is and how his mother was always right about him. Kate tries to get down to the problem when Leo explains about Hattie. Kate tries to make him feel better by offering to let him watch Hattie’s death scenes on the monitor but Leo declines.

Kate compliments Leo on his writing of Hattie’s death scenes. Leo appreciates the kind words but admits he may have stolen a bit of material from a memorable diva’s death on L.A. Law.

University Hospital – Lobby: Seth thanks Kayla for convincing him to let Body & Soul shoot at the hospital. He says the experience has been amazing and he’s been bitten by the acting bug. Kayla thought his original scene was a one-off, but Seth says the producers must have been impressed since he’s getting more screen time. He asks Kayla if she could put in a good word so maybe he’ll get some love scenes.

DiMera Mansion – Johnny and Chanel’s Bedroom: Johnny and Chanel bask in the love of their marital bed. Just then, a very chiseled, very nekkid, Alex walks in, hops into their bed, and gets to work putting the moves on Chanel. Just then, Johnny sits up in bed having clearly experienced yet another sexual nightmare.

Johnny tells Chanel about his forced, voyeruristic sexual nightmare. Chanel feels badly for him but understands considering the upcoming love scenes. Chanel reminds Johnny, once again, there is nothing between her and Alex. They’re only friends, which seems to puzzle Johnny. Chanel explains she and Alex decided to call a truce since they have to work together. Johnny seems to understand and then suggests they get changed and on the way to work.

Stephanie’s Place: Stephanie is on the phone with Jada and they’re discussing Rafe’s return home. Jada asks about Alex and Stephanie says there’s nothing to report. Just then, a hot, sweaty, half-nekkid Alex comes a-knockin. A flustered Stephanie quickly hangs up and invites Alex in. He gives her a coffee and she is happy to live across the hall from a man who can anticipate her needs. Alex notes he’s been at the gym to get his blood flowing and to work off the nervous energy in anticipation of today’s love scenes.

Stephanie is confused as she thought Alex and Chanel were going to ask to put the love scenes on the back burner. Alex explains about all the rewrites and how Kate said there would be no more. Stephanie asks how he feels about playing against Chanel and Alex explains they called a truce and decided to start fresh. Stephanie thinks it all sounds great but wonders how Johnny is coping. They decide to ride to set together before he makes his exit.

Stephanie and Alex arrive and, she agrees to run lines with him. Just then, Seth pops in and asks if either of them has seen Hattie.

Just as the entire B&S set assumes they’ve been stood up, Hattie arrives. She says she got lost in the confusing maze of the hospital. No one seems to care, and Johnny directs everyone to get ready to shoot. Bonnie tries to have a conversation with Hattie who is ready to just move along with her impending, on-screen death.

The scene begins with a confrontation between Charlemagne and Cassandra. The two characters decide to have a fresh start and wipe the slate clean. Abe and Johnny watch on as Hattie needs to be directed to push the button on the elevator. Charlemagne finally pushes the button for the elevator but won’t let go of Cassandra’s hand. Johnny directs her to turn towards the elevator, wave to Cassandra, and step into the elevator.

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