Young and the Restless

Connor on The Young & The Restless — Everything You Need To Know

Y&R Connor

Connor Newman on THE YOUNG & THE RESTLESS may just be a little kid, but he’s been at the center of the drama ever since before he was born! After a series of twins, Judah Mackey is the first young actor to play the character solo.

Connor is the son of Chelsea Lawson and Adam Newman, although when she first realized she was pregnant, the couple was on the skids. Fearing Adam would take custody of their child, Chelsea lied and claimed that Dylan McAvoy was the babydaddy. Shortly after the child’s birth, however, the doctor noticed Connor could have inherited retinitis pigmentosa, which can cause blindness. Dylan feared he was the one who passed it on, but Chelsea realized it was from Adam, whose mother went blind from the disease.

Learning of the child’s condition, Adam put two and two together and forced Chelsea to admit the truth that he, not Dylan, was the boy’s father. Crushed, Dylan asked for a divorce, and Adam declared his intentions to change Connor’s name and take full custody of his son. Dylan’s PTSD flared up and he abducted Connor, but Avery convinced him to give the child back. Adam reluctantly agreed not to pursue sole custody as long as Chelsea and Connor moved in with him.

Y&R Adam Connor Chelsea Dylan

The child’s vision problems turned out to actually be caused by damage to his corneas, and Connor required a cornea transplant to save his sight. Tragically, Delia Abbott was killed in an accident, and Billy and Chloe agreed to donate their daughter’s corneas to Connor. Chloe then became inappropriately obsessed with the boy and even abducted him briefly. And when Adam was presumed dead, Connor was raised by Nick Newman, who developed a relationship with Chelsea. When Chelsea’s scheming caught up with her in 2018, she planned to skip town with both Connor and Christian but opted to leave Christian behind with Nick as he wasn’t her biological child.

Since returning to Genoa City in 2019, Chelsea revealed that Connor was living with her mother, Anita Lawson, and she was reluctant to bring him to town with her because she feared the newly-alive-again Adam would once again pursue sole custody of the boy. And when she eventually brought Connor to join her in town, she was proven right as Adam immediately wanted the boy to live with him. Chelsea pushed back but continued to allow Adam to see his son. But Connor lashed out after being told his grandfather, Victor, was dead (he wasn’t) and told his mother he wished they’d never moved back!

The Young and The Restless Adam Connor

When Adam skipped town, Connor began acting out. He locked Christian in the garage, then broke his own arm jumping off of a jungle gym! Adam came home to reassure his son and Connor asked to live with him. Chelsea reluctantly agreed to the new living arrangement, hoping it would just be temporary, but it became clear that Connor is a chip off the old block and is trying to manipulate his mother and father to be back together again. His claims of a monster being after him led his parents to bring Sharon Newman in to counsel the tyke, but he felt like she was interfering in his plans and wanted her gone!

After being held hostage at gunpoint in the Grand Phoenix, Connor began having nightmares and used this as well to bring Adam and Chelsea back together. However, his parents weren’t happy together long as Adam spiraled out of control and Chelsea considered sending Connor to boarding school to protect him from his father! The boy was kept out of the worst of it when Chelsea suffered an aneurysm and took her revenge on Adam by framing him for Rey Rosales‘ attempted murder.

Once Chelsea had been released from the mental hospital where she’d received treatment, Connor went with his mom and Rey to stay with his grandmother, Anita, as she recovered from a broken hip. The boy came back to Genoa City with Rey while his mom stayed on for a while longer, and he was overjoyed when Chelsea came home again. Unfortunately, while Adam and Chelsea are determined to move on from each other, Connor kept trying to bring them back together.

Y&R Connor Chelsea

Connor was excited when Rey offered to take him to a hockey game while Chelsea was out of town, but heartbroken when the cop died suddenly. He was also upset when Chelsea revealed that she was Johnny‘s birth mother, although the two boys bonded over the awkwardness of finding out they are brothers. Connor later apologized to his mother for overreacting and feared he was responsible for her subsequent suicide attempt. Chelsea assured Connor that he wasn’t and he was happy to hear she was getting help and feeling better.

Connor got upset when his father told him that he and Sally Spectra were going to be giving him a baby sister. He became sullen and withdrawn, but lashed out at Billy and Johnny when they tried to help. Later, he felt jealous when Lucy Romalotti seemed to like Johnny more than him. When Connor began having trouble in school, Billy suspected that he was being bullied and didn’t want to tell his mom for fear of making her depressed again. When Connor disappeared, Sally found him in the park and kept him from running away and brought him back to his parents.

When Connor opened up about not wanting to be in Genoa City or Walnut Grove because everyone considered him a freak due to his parentage, Adam and Chelsea agreed that he could transfer to a new school. Connor found a place he liked and he and Chelsea went to visit before he began attending classes there. But after a while, Chelsea and Adam were told that Connor was having trouble in his new school and she worried her son might have a learning disability.

Y&R Therapist Chelsea Connor

Chelsea, Adam, and Billy went to Connor’s school where Chelsea sat with Connor as he opened up to a therapist about his fears of germs, that food might poison him, and that something terrible would happen to his parents and it would be all his fault. That’s why he’s constantly cleaning and organizing, so he has control over things. The specialist advised Chelsea and Adam that Connor was showing signs of OCD and while there was no cure, they would begin a treatment program to manage his symptoms.

When Dr. Alcott recommended Connor receive treatment in a residential facility, they agreed to make the decision as a family but Chelsea was upset when Adam told their son he didn’t have to go if he didn’t want to. They eventually convinced Connor to try the facility but were upset when the doctors informed them that they were triggers for Connor’s OCD and should not visit him yet. As the treatment continued, Adam and Chelsea were further heartbroken to find out that Connor blamed himself for his parents’ issues. In the spring, their attempt to visit Connor was canceled after he continued to harm himself physically. In June, things looked better as Connor made a breakthrough with his OCD treatment, but after he spent a day with his parents, he suffered another setback and would require inpatient treatment. Thankfully, while Connor struggled with inpatient therapy, he had another breakthrough and was able to fight the OCD and not self-harm anymore.

Stay tuned to Y&R to see how Connor’s dramatic young life continues!

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