As Kristen Plays Her Get Out of Jail Free Card, the Walls Slam Shut On Arnold — But That Just Makes Things Worse for Rafe!

As Kristen Plays Her Get Out of Jail Free Card, the Walls Slam Shut On Arnold — But That Just Makes Things Worse for Rafe!
Wednesday, February 26, 2025: Today on Days of Our Lives, Arnold’s dealt with, Kristen plays her card to stay out of trouble and Rafe’s returned!

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On today’s Days of Our Lives, Kristen storms into the DiMera living room, telling EJ to pour a strong drink after Ava’s freed and her mom’s arrested. EJ’s less worried about Ava, though, and more about a passed out Rafe upstairs. Kristen’s horrified that Rafe’s there, then says it sounds like Misery. She then talks about the Friday cliffhanger that we never got to see, but wrapped up just fine for them both.
They then talk about Ava being rescued before they could get to her. Kristen wants to go visit her mom in custody, but EJ tells her that’s the last thing she’ll do. Ava’s been singing, so the police know everything about who helped with the kidnapping. Kristen tells him they’re all in this together, but she’s got an ace up her sleeve and she’s going to the station to try her “Get out of jail free card.”
Up in the bedroom, Rita sits with an unconscious Rafe, checking his vitals and telling him he’ll be just fine. Once the serum is done working, he can get back to his life — and maybe even Jada! EJ comes upstairs to check on them, where they lay out the plan to wipe his memory of all of this. Rita asks how he’s getting Rafe back to his life, and EJ tells her it’s time to “dispose of” Arnold Feniger. Post haste.
This wasn’t even his idea, he just got backed into a corner when Arnold showed up, then knocked Rafe out. Getting his DA job back will be tough, but he may still do it without the swap. Rita then heads out to take care of Feniger, leaving EJ to tell a still knocked out Rafe that it’s his lucky day. And all he has to do is sleep.
Brady Demands Justice
Brady walks into the Salem PD to talk to Belle about Ava’s captivity — and Rachel Blake’s arrest. He wants to talk to Kristen, but Belle tells him she hasn’t been arrested. They have to do this by the book, and first up is getting an arrest warrant. Brady then informs his sister that EJ was in on Ava’s kidnapping and needs to be arrested, too.
Belle has a tough time taking the blinders off and believing Brady, so he explains EJ just stumbled on the scene and nearly released Ava until Rachel took him aside to talk to him. She clearly had some leverage over EJ. “Like what?!”
Brady gets Belle to admit that she doesn’t think EJ is a reformed man. He advises her to cut and run before it’s too late. He’s tied to Kristen forever, but Belle can still escape. Kristen then walks up behind him, smiling away, while he’s going off about her. “Hello, Brady,” she grins.
Belle goes to talk to EJ, and Kristen starts the confrontation with the “good news” that her mother is alive. She lays out what happened, including her shock at learning what happened. But thanks to their daughter running away, Kristen now knows her mom is alive. But she’s blameless. “She’s an old woman who’s not playing with a full deck.” Kristen says she’s suffered enough, and suddenly Brady plays nice, telling her to go into the interrogation room to talk to Rachel.
But when Kristen goes in, no one’s there, and Brady follows her in, telling her that Belle’s going to arrest her soon. And he’s staying there until Kristen’s in handcuffs. “Surely you understand that this is the very worst thing you can do,” she tells him. She then lays out how this was their daughter’s doing, luring Ava there. If Brady pushes this, they will both lose Rachel forever.
Jada Wants to Know Where the Real Rafe Is
Stephanie and Jada pick up from yesterday, with the realization that if Arnold is alive, Rafe didn’t dump or cheat on Jada — but she did just sleep with Shawn. Shawn comes out of the shower, surprising Steph. “But, um, from the look of things, maybe you just cheated on him?” Shawn defends what they just did, but Stephanie and Jada tell him about Arnold.
Shawn remembers him, but he’s dead. So Stephanie points out that when the DiMeras are involved, no one’s really dead. Jada thinks it might be true. If she’d known Arnold existed, she would have figured this out sooner. It started with Rafe’s disappearance before New Year’s. This is all EJ’s psychotic revenge.
Jada’s horrified as she thinks of it more, feeling completely violated. Shawn, though, tells her they need to find out if it’s true or not. And more importantly, Jada insists, “Where is the real Rafe?”
Shawn says he’s on it as Jada starts spiraling, worrying she failed Rafe. Shawn says it’s time to corner Arnold.
Gabi Confronts Arnold
Gabi’s back home and demands that Savannah be kicked out, but “Rafe” informs her the dancer is already gone. He tries running off, but Gabi stops him to tell him she knows exactly what’s going on. “I know you’re not Rafe, so let’s just start from there.” She demands to know what he did with her real brother. He looks at her uncomfortably and she tells him to “answer the damn question.”
When he tries insisting he is Rafe, Gabi shuts down Arnold Feniger immediately. He tries gaslighting her some more, but she doesn’t let up at all. She talked to Alex, she talked to Stephanie and she remembers how grossly he even hugged his own “sister.” It gave her “the ick.” She goes to haul off and slap him, but Arnold grabs her wrist and growls, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
She demands to know if he’s threatening her and he uncomfortably drops her hand and says no. So Gabi tells him it’s time to prove he’s not Arnold and starts asking him questions in Spanish about Tia Hilda, which he gets wrong, and, on top of it, he forgot Tia Hilda’s dead. So he plays the coma card. Gabi then pretends he’s got something in his hair and plucks a hair from him.
She saunters out, telling him she’ll get the truth from a lab. “DNA, baby!” Arnold starts to worry.
Belle Demands to Know the Truth
Belle storms into EJ’s room, where Rafe’s already gone. “How dare you?!” EJ pretends he knows nothing about Ava or Rachel or anything, but Belle doesn’t believe him for a second. She wants to know what Rache Blake has over him. EJ chuckles and looks aside to a book. The Double, by Dostoevsky.
Belle says that between Ava and Rachel Blake, they’ll figure out what happened. “What a fool I have been!” She didn’t expect this to bite her in the ass “so fast! But boy was I wrong.”
Arnold and Rafe Are Switched Back
In the show’s final moments, Gabi gets over to Stephanie’s just as Jada and Shawn are about to head out. She says she already confronted Arnold, but Shawn and Jada leave to get some answers with the power of the badge behind them.
Back at the Hernandez house, Rita pops in, much to Arnold’s relief. He was just about to contact EJ, and he tells Rita they’re on to him. She promises that they’re going to whisk him right out of the country. Arnold doesn’t want to go back to Argentina or somewhere cold. Rita cheerfully says she has his getaway ready, handing him some passports, cash, a burner phone and… her taser. Arnold goes down.
Kristen points out to Brady that CPS already told them that one more incident with Rachel, they’ll both lose her forever. “Is that what you want?” Brady stares at Kristen, looking exhausted.
Gabi and Stephanie wonder why EJ would pull Arnold “out of mothballs” just to get his job back. Gabi doesn’t know why, but she’s worried about her brother. She then leaves for the hospital for a DNA test. Back at the Hernandez home, Rafe wakes up in Arnold’s clothes, just in time for Jada and Shawn to burst in and demand where Rafe is. “Who’s Rafe?”
On the next Days of Our Lives, Jada and Shawn make an arrest, and Brady tries to convince Ava to play along.
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