Bold & Beautiful’s Luna Just Hatched a New Plan That Will Put [Spoiler] Directly in Her Crosshairs

Bold & Beautiful’s Luna Just Hatched a New Plan That Will Put [Spoiler] Directly in Her Crosshairs
We could all see the gears turning in Luna’s mind as she watched Bill interact with his son Will and Electra on Bold & Beautiful, but what’s going through that devious little mind of hers? Well, she’s hatching a new plan. One that will put someone on the canvas in serious danger!

However, it’s not Brooke we’re concerned about, at least not yet. Instead, it’s someone who might get in the way of what Luna has now decided she wants… and what she wants is Bill’s son, Will.
If you can’t have the wealthy father, the next best thing is his heir… right?! We’re certain that’s what was going through Luna’s unhinged mind as she watched the conversation between Bill, his son, and his son’s girfriend recently. Will’s easy on the eyes, definitely closer to Luna’s age, and will inherit his father’s empire one day.
We’re not sure how she’d get Will to fall for her given she’s a) a killer, and b) is not supposed to let anyone see her, but this is Bold & Beautiful and those concerns, therefore, are merely technicalities. Maybe she’ll pull a Quinn and bonk him over the head so he falls for her whilst suffering from a concussion. Will can move back into Bill’s place and they’ll carry on a clandestine relationship in secret.
The biggest obstacle Luna would face is, of course, Electra, who is in love with Will and would be at Bill’s door asking a metric tonne of questions if her hero suddenly goes off of her and holes up in his dad’s mansion.
It goes without saying that this means that Electra would be in serious danger. Luna is a bonafide sociopath who murdered her own father and Poor Sweet Hollis, framed her own mother for the killings, and caged Steffy with the intention of leaving her to die, all without so much as blinking an eye.
Bottom line: It was clear that Luna took a shine to Will. After all, she was smiling like the cat that ate the canary while watching him interact with his dad. We’ll have to tune in to find out how her newest plot will play out, but if our hunch is even close to correct, Electra is set to go another round with a psycho mere minutes after dispensing with the threat posed by Remy!