Days of Our Lives preview: Familiar faces return for a week no fan will want to miss

Days of Our Lives Preview: Familiar Faces Return For a Week No Fan Will Want to Miss

In a Days of Our Lives promo for December 2 – 6, Salem says goodbye to a true legend and icon of daytime. Read what happens and watch the preview below.
Thanksgiving, which should have been a joyous day to celebrate family, took a sad turn as Jack discovered Doug had passed away in his sleep. He had to break the news to a heartbroken Julie while Jennifer called Hope to share her father’s passing. Soon, the news spread across Salem, and support showed up on Julie’s doorstep to be there for her in her time of need.
Next week, Salem says goodbye to Doug Williams as the soap marks 15,000 episodes. From the Carvers to the Bradys to the Johnsons, families around Salem toast to Doug’s memory. Belle returns, as does Ciara, who opens the Horton time capsule. What secrets might it hold? Lucas has also come home to be with his family.
Julie is stunned when her brother Steve Olson returns to support her. He’s not the only familiar face from the past, as Marie Horton and Liz Chandler also make their way back to Salem. It seems neither is happy to see the other!
Still, while everyone might not have gotten along then or now, they all come together to say goodbye to Doug. Julie says she lost the love of her life but feels the love from all of them around her. The memorial and celebration of Doug’s life continue throughout the week, with Hope laying flowers on her father’s grave. Will Bo finally wake up in time to support his Fancy Face when she needs him most?
Be sure to read our Days of Our Lives spoilers to find out who stuns Julie, but may be exactly just what she needs in her time of sorrow. If you can’t wait, we have the scoop on this brand-new Days of Our Lives character, who is Horton-adjacent!