Young and the Restless

Audra on The Young & The Restless— Everything You Need To Know

Audra Charles on The Young & The Restless may be relatively new to Genoa City but she’s determined to make her mark! The character first appeared on Sept. 23, 2022, and is being played by daytime newcomer Zuleyka Silver. And over time, she’s established herself as someone who can hold her own among the town’s power players!

Audra Charles introduced herself to Nate Hastings in Crimson Lights when she recognized him. The former doctor thought she was one of his old patients, but she explained that she had been hired by Jill Abbott to help take Chancellor-Winters public. The pair met again the next day at Society where Audra asked Nate to give her the behind-the-scenes scoop at the company so she would know exactly who she was dealing with.

After getting the scoop on Jill, Lily Winters, Billy Abbott, and Devon Hamilton, they went to Chancellor-Winters so she could meet everyone in person. Nate introduced Audra to everyone, and Lily and Devon were surprised that they had already met. Audra was thrilled when Lily revealed that they’d decided to take the company public and Audra assured them she’d do an IPO readiness assessment and help file all the paperwork.

The following day, Audra introduced herself to Victoria Newman at the coffee shop and congratulated her on her success at Newman Enterprises. She also expressed an interest in doing lunch sometime as she wanted to get to know all the power players in town. But it turned out Audra was more connected than it initially appeared. First, she attended the opening of Noah Newman‘s new nightclub and revealed that she was the ex who had broken his heart in Europe and sent him running back to Genoa City. Then it turned out that she was secretly working with the recently returned Tucker McCall on getting him control of Chancellor-Winters!

The revelations just kept coming as Audra confessed to Noah that she had been pregnant when he’d dumped her and ran off, and she then lost the baby. He was shaken, but when Audra then tried to insist that they should get back together, he reminded her that he was dating someone else now. Frustrated, Audra returned to Tucker’s room and slept with him instead! Things got awkward when Ashley Abbott almost caught them together but it was actually Devon Hamilton who discovered that the pair were working together.

Fired from Chancellor-Winters for working with Tucker against them, Audra wasn’t unemployed for long as Nate offered her a job working as his COO at Newman Enterprises. She accepted and began working as a double agent, stringing Tucker along to get information for Newman, though he naturally didn’t trust her much!

Audra began to suspect that there was something more than just professional going on between Nate and Victoria, and began dropping hints to Elena Dawson that her man might be cheating on her with his boss. She also suggested that she have Victoria’s ex, J.T. Hellstrom, as a guest on her podcast to stir the pot, and helped track the guy down for her. Eventually, the meddling led Elena to break up with Nate, who was angry with Audra for interfering. However, the pair continued to work together at Newman, with Audra offering to watch his back in exchange for letting her run Newman Media.

Knowing Nate had lied to Elena about his business trip to LA, Audra informed her that Victoria was with him. And while Nate was upset that Audra exposed his affair with Victoria, he still promised her his old position as CEO of Newman Media once he’d climbed the ladder at the company. Next, Audra lent a sympathetic ear to Kyle Abbott as he opened up about his split with his wife, which ultimately led to the two sleeping together!

As Audra continued her affair with Kyle, she told him she wanted him to come work with her at Newman Media. When Adam Newman discovered that Tucker and Audra had covered up the fact that one of the artists on his label committed statutory rape, Tucker blamed her for the leak. Adam agreed to keep quiet if Audra convinced Victor Newman to merge Newman Media and his new company, Adustus. But she foiled his blackmail by appealing to Victor and Nikki Newman for help, playing the victim.

Victor appointed Nikki as CEO of Newman Media with Audra as her COO, but Nikki warned her that she had to stop seeing Kyle if she wanted to keep her job. The pair decided to let everyone think they’d split up but continued sleeping together in secret. Ultimately, though, Nikki forced Audra to file Kyle, and she also ended their relationship. Tucker brought Audra into his scheme to use Billy to take down the Abbott family and steal Jabot. He also urged her to reignite her affair with Kyle so they could bring him in on the scheme. Kyle agreed to help them take over his family’s company, but Tucker told Audra he suspected Jack Abbott would use Kyle as a double agent.

When all the double-crossing was through, Audra was upset with Kyle for betraying her and also called it quits with Tucker. He attempted to win her back, but she wasn’t having any of it. She then turned to Nate in the hopes of getting his help to steal Glissade away from Tucker. Audra tried to support Nikki’s struggle with sobriety by opening up about her father’s alcoholism. Unfortunately, Nikki didn’t want her sympathy and decided to transfer Audra to Europe. When she refused the position, Nikki just up and fired her!

Audra cozied back up to Tucker in the hopes of taking Glissade from the inside, but he was wary. But when a jealous Audra forced Tucker to choose between her and Ashley, he chose Audra. But she saw red when she found out he was still keeping tabs on Ashley and warned the blonde to back off. Although Tucker insisted he was just worried about Ashley’s mental health, Audra was fed up and dumped him. She then forged a new friendship with Sally Spectra when they discovered how much they had in common. Audra insisted she was through with Tucker, so she was definitely caught by surprise when he surprised her with a romantic dinner and a marriage proposal!

Audra turned down Tucker’s proposal and said they could be together without tying the knot. She grew concerned about Ashley’s erratic behavior as she and Tucker planned a business trip to Paris. Annoyed that Tucker continued prioritizing Ashley and Devon over her, Audra called it quits and decided to go to Paris on her own. But before she did so, she rubbed salt in the wound by enjoying a dinner date with Nate. When Tucker showed up at her hotel in Paris, Audra was furious and refused to let him steal Glissade for himself. Tucker explained about Ashley’s alternate personalities and while Audra felt compassion for her, she still felt nothing for Tucker anymore. He offered to just give her Glissade, but she knew it came with a catch and revealed she’d been working with a secret investor to buy him out so she could run the company herself.

Tucker faked a heart attack to delay the vote, but in the end, Audra was voted CEO of Glissade. However, there was still a catch anyway because her secret investor was Victor and he wanted her to run the company with Kyle! He was happy to work with her but Audra was wary about his intention to use Glissade to take revenge on his family by hurting Jabot. She rekindled her connection with Nate, though she insisted on keeping things casual.

Keep watching Y&R to find out what other trouble she stirs up!

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