Abe Finally Figures Out Who’s Stalking Body and Soul — But Not Before the Entire Cast Is Taken Out

Abe Finally Figures Out Who’s Stalking Body and Soul — But Not Before the Entire Cast Is Taken Out
Tuesday, February 4, 2025: Today on Days of Our Lives, Alex and Stephanie decide to be together, the new Body and Soul scripts kill off everyone, and Abe figures out who the stalker is.

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On today’s Days of Our Lives, Hattie drops into Bonnie’s room with a box of bonbons, shocked to see her state. She’s worried about what’ll happen while Bonnie’s recovering and Bonnie manages to mumble out that Kayla’s stepping in. Hattie breaks out a script and sees it’s mostly Kassandra and Charlamagne.
Steve and Kayla get back home, still talking about the wedding, when they find an envelope with a Body and Soul script at the door. Kayla’s miserable at the thought of her first script. She starts going through it and sees that all her scenes are with Hattie, so she asks Steve to run through lines with her.
They start going through the lines, as Hattie and Bonnie do the same in the hospital. They all get to the point where Kassandra shoots Charlemagne dead. Again. Cue a red “X” being crossed over Hattie’s photo. Steve and Kayla are a bit confused that Charlemagne’s dying so soon after coming back. And then they see that Kassandra dies, too. Hattie, meanwhile, calls Leo to chew him out, but it goes to voicemail, so she heads out to confront him directly.
Kate and Abe go through the scripts at the Body and Soul offices when Kate brings up the potential mess of Alex and Joy dating. If things go wrong, they’ll have yet another problem. Stephanie pops in as Kate goes off about how Alex was just sleeping with her. They’re shocked to see her, so she gives them a quick rundown of Jada’s wedding blowing up. But she stopped by to let them know she took care of all the press releases… and she’s quitting.
She’s already reached out to her friend, Andrea, to take over. But she and Alex want to be together, so this is what she needs to do. She’d rather be with Alex, than the show — even knowing that he’s with Joy right now. At least she’s trying.
Joy and Alex, meanwhile, wrap up a roll in the hay, with her then jumping into talking about how much more chill work has been without Chanel there judging her. Then it’s time to look over the Body and Soul script that popped up in an envelope. Joy’s shocked to see that Raven’s set to die in childbirth. Elsewhere, the stalker crosses off a photo of Joy.
Alex thinks there’s some mistake, so he goes through himself only to find that Arrow dies too. And his photo is crossed out. But then Alex sees that the episode is for April 1st, so it must be an April Fool’s Day episode. Joy doesn’t think so, but she’s OK with being fired. This job has been a headache from the start. Alex is the only good thing to come out of this.
Joy suggests a Valentine’s Day trip to New York, but Alex balks at the thought of meeting her parents. He thinks back to his talk with Stephanie telling her he and Joy weren’t official. This might be a bit too fast he tells Joy, snapping back to the present. She double checks that he wants to celebrate Valentine’s Day with her. “Yeah, yeah… of course!”
Then he gets a text from Stephanie and makes an excuse to head out, despite Joy’s invitation to stay.
Over at the DiMera house, Johnny’s telling Seth on the phone how much he misses “Faith.” That’s when Chanel walks in with an envelope that she says was left at his front door. He hangs up with Seth and Chanel says she came to talk to him — about them. They can’t let things fester, so she makes it clear that he needs to talk to her if he’s ever worried about anything. Johnny takes all the blame, saying he’ll never doubt her and he’ll be a better communicator. They both say they love each other and want no one but each other.
Chanel notes that at the end of the day, neither of them actually broke their vows, despite the close calls. That’s when Johnny asks her to please come home, and she agrees. In fact, her bags are already in the car. Johnny’s ecstatic, but they agree to take it one day at a time. They kiss, then he runs out to get the bags.
After they settle in, he checks the Body and Soul script. “Oh my God!” Leo killed off Seth’s character. And we get another red “X.”
In the show’s final moments, Alex gets over to Stephanie’s where she tells him she quit Body and Soul. He’s stunned, but she makes it clear that she just had to follow her heart, shot or not. He’s still with Joy — who, he says, has moved past “casual.” But he doesn’t want that, so it’s time to end things. “I just want to be with you, Steph.”
Abe and Kate lament Stephanie’s quitting, where she bemoans how many problems they’ve had since Bonnie’s curse. Abe tells her to get some rest while he finishes scheduling. Kayla, meanwhile, worries that Kassandra being killed is her fault, so she calls Abe to ask about it. She gets shot by a cat?! Is that her fault?
Abe has no clue what she’s talking about. It must be Leo going rogue.
Hattie bursts into Leo’s room, yelling at him about the killer script. Leo, who has gloves on, makes clear he had nothing to do with that. Leo’s photo gets crossed out while, back in the Inn, he realizes this could be the stalker. Hattie starts to feel unsteady and drops onto the bed while a confused Leo watches.
Back at her place, Joy’s reading her tablet when everything starts to get blurry. She drops, too. Stephanie wants to know if Alex really wants to be with her. “Of course I do.” He drops to the couch as he tries to kiss her. Kayla tells Steve what Abe said, starts to feel funny and passes out on him. And finally, Johnny gets up to call Leo, but feels woozy. He drops back on the couch.
In the Body and Soul office, Abe suddenly figures it all out. “Oh my God. I think I know who’s doing this.” The stalker picks up the final photo, Abe’s, the only one that doesn’t have a red “X.”