A Suspicious Hope Seeks Jennifer’s Help After Encountering Doug

At the townhouse, Belle tells Marlena she and Shawn decided their marriage is over. She was hoping they could work it out, but the feelings they once shared aren’t there anymore. Belle is overwhelmed with sadness because she assumed they’d be together forever. Marlena has an idea to make her feel better.
Philips approaches Shawn as he drinks a beer at The Pub. “Just when I thought my day couldn’t get any worse,” Shawn sighs. Philip just wanted to express his condolences for Doug. He eyes Shawn’s beer. Philip thought he was on the wagon. Shawn assures him it’s non-alcoholic. Philip is glad for his sake and Belle’s. Shawn tells him they’re getting divorced, and this time, it feels final. After insisting he has no interest in going after her, he tells his nephew of his plan to reclaim his birthright. Shawn hopes he gets it.
At Body and Soul, an exasperated Stephanie makes a deal over the phone with the website Daily Confidential for them not to publish Lady Whistleblower’s spoilers. Now, she needs to make sure the other sites don’t either. She ignores a call, unable to deal with another headache today. Xander bursts in. He wants her to stop spinning the court of public opinion in Philip’s direction and spin it in his. He’ll double whatever Philip is paying her.
In the Square, Ciara wonders to Lucas if Steven is innocent, and they accused the wrong person of stealing Alice’s necklace. Lucas doesn’t think anyone else would do something so shady on the day they said goodbye to Doug.
Alone at the Horton House, Doug III zeroes in on Alice’s photo and pulls out the diamond necklace from his jeans pocket. Hope enters, calling out for Julie. Doug introduces himself. “How dare you,” she says, holding back tears. “My father is Doug Williams. You are not Doug Williams.” Before he can respond, Julie comes downstairs and tearfully embraces Hope. Hope relays that Bo didn’t wake up, but he will someday. She’s sorry she didn’t get there sooner. Julie is just happy to see her.
Hope asks Julie about the young man in front of them. Julie introduces Hope to her father’s grandson. Hope warily eyes her nephew. She has a vague recollection of the story about Doug’s son through IVF. A guarded Hope welcomes him to the family before learning that Ciara opened the time capsule. Doug shifts uncomfortably when Julie mentions the necklace. Hope would love to see it all, but right now, she just wants to see her father.
After Hope’s left, Lucas and Ciara return. Julie informs Ciara that Hope is there and that Bo didn’t wake up. She then shocks them by explaining Doug’s familial connection and brings up the time capsule. As Lucas starts to tell her about the missing necklace, Doug interrupts to ask for something to eat. When Julie goes to get him a plate, Doug tells Lucas and Ciara that Jennifer and Marie thought it was best if Julie didn’t know about the necklace yet. Ciara agrees it’d be devastating for her to learn her brother stole the necklace the same day they buried Doug.
At Doug’s grave, Hope sobs as she tells her father how much she loves him. Jennifer arrives. Hope falls into her arms in tears. As the cousins catch up, Hope says she desperately wanted to be there for Julie and her dad, but she was terrified Bo would wake up with no one there. Jennifer assures her she made the right decision. If anyone would understand, Hope’s sweet dad would.
Marlena returns to Belle in the townhouse with her patented heartbreak cure: chocolate chip cookies and Rocky Road ice cream. After they indulge, Marlena goes to check in with Shane about John. Alone, Belle calls Claire to tell her about her and Shawn.
At the Pub, Philip reels over Shawn supporting him. Shawn knows he deserves to run Victor’s company and that Xander would run it into the ground. However, Shawn cautions him about Xander putting up a fight. Philip’s ready with his secret weapon: Stephanie. Shawn leaves after getting a text from Ciara about Hope.
At Body and Soul, Stephanie passes on Xander’s tempting offer. Xander wonders if she’s standing by Philip to get back into his bed and become Queen of Titan Industries. Aghast at his misogyny, she throws him out. Before he leaves, Xander warns that Philip will use her and then toss her aside.
In the cemetery, Hope expresses doubts to Jennifer over Doug III. She doesn’t trust him. Has anyone called her half-brother Charles to see if he even has a son named after her dad? Hope asks Jennifer to keep an eye on Doug when she goes back to Europe for Bo. “You can always count on me,” Jennifer says.
After Jennifer leaves, Hope returns to talking to her father. Shawn and Ciara arrive and offer their support regarding Doug and Bo. Hope insists Bo will wake up. But today is about her dad. “He really loved you both so much,” she says. They vow to always keep him in their hearts and huddle in for a group hug.
Philip comes to Body and Soul and learns of Xander’s request of Stephanie. She assures Philip it only fueled her desire to see him beat his half-brother.